Why We Are Unique
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
Taylored Logos is a boutique logo and graphic design company built around the single idea that your logo should tell a story, and that story is who you are.
Your company or organization says something to the world, and that should have something more behind it that just lines or colors.
Your logo is who you are, and you have a story to tell.
History of The Peabod Man
My father, Robert Peabody Taylor, was named after a family friend and World War II pilot.
The name Peabody is not uncommon in the Northeast. My father was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, near Boston, and the Town of Peabody is just a few miles down the road.
When he moved to Charlotte, NC in the 1950's, he quickly learned that 'Peabody' was not a name many southerners were familiar with, and he was often the target of childish name calling, (as was I).
Using his wit and creativity, my father turned those negative words into something special, creating a character and a logo, that would incorporate each letter of this middle name, 'P.E.A.B.O.D' into the 'Peabod Man' logo I use today. My father was so proud of his name, he passed it on to me, Andrew Christopher Peabody Taylor, and I have passed it on to my son, William Thomas Peabdy Taylor.
My father's 'Peabod Man' was quite different than mine, reflecting his analytical and lineal personality. My version is hand drawn, loose and free. My father encouraged me to make my version my own, and I will encourage William to take his 'Peabod Man' in his own direction, keeping the history and legacy, while letting it fit who he is as an individual.

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